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Monday, April 23, 2012

"Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett"{1833-1908}

WWas an African American who was appointed United States Ambassador to Haiti in 1869.He
was the first African- American diplomat.He was appointed as new leaders emerged free African Americans after the Civil War.An educator,abolitionist,and civil rights activists,Ebenezer was the U.S. diplomatic envoy in 1869 to Haiti,the "Black Republic"of the Western Hemisphere.Through eight years of Civil War and coups detat there,he served in one of the most crucial,but difficult postings of his time.Haiti was one of strategic importance in the Caribbean basin for its shipping lanes and as a naval coaling station.Born in Derby,Connecticut,he was the second child of Eden Tobias and Susan Gregory,who were both free born blacks.Slavery was still legal in the state,people of the free black community had a strong tradition of owning their property,running their own businesses,and playing important leadership roles.Among this community,Bassetts stood out as leaders.Ebenezer father,as well as his grandfather Tobiah,had the distinction of being elected "Black Governor"in Connecticut,an unofficial honorific among the black community.Both of his parents ensured that their son would receive the best education possible.In a rare for any student of the mid-19th century,Ebenezer attended college in his home state.In 1853 he was the first black student to attend the Connecticut Normal School,almost a century before Brown v.Board of Education ruled that segregation in public school was illegal.After graduation he taught school in New Haven,where he met and became friends with the abolitionist Frederick Douglass.Soon Ebenezer was offered the chance to teach at a progressive new all-black high school in Philadelphia.At a time,he was teaching at the time,he was teaching at the Institute for Colored Youth (ICY).It later became Cheney University of Pennsylvania,one of the earliest dedicated to educating black youth in the country.There focused on Latin,Greek,Mathematics and science,becoming principal after one year.Pennsylvania like the rest of the country,was soon dragged in the Civil War.Ebenezer became one of Philadelphia's leading voices of slavery and emancipation of the nearly four million black slaves.He used ICY as a base to recruit blacks to serve in the Union Army.He hastened to invite many of the national civil rights leaders who had become colleagues.Just days after the Battle of Gettysburg,Ebenezer and other  black leaders organized a recruiting drive for black soldiers.He had the honor of being the second speaker of the night,making his speech immediately preceding Frederick Douglass.His remaining years as an educator and activist would cement his position in the abolitionist community.When Ulysses S.Grant was elected to the presidency,he looked for black leaders such as Ebenezer to fill important political positions.Frederick recommended Ebenezer to political allies in the White House.In nominating Ebenezer to become Minister Resident to Haiti (the title Ambassador would not be used by the U.S. until 1893),Ulysses appointed him as one of the highest-ranking blacks in the U.S.government.Ebenezer's accreditation to the "Black Republic"was no accident either.Haiti had gained its independence from France in 1804,it was not officially recognized by the United States until 1862.Southern resistance to a former colony governed by ex-slaves becoming a "nation"had prevented the United States from recognizing the country.With the Union victory in the Civil War the US government wanted to improve bilateral relations,and believed the appointment of Ebenezer was a significant step,not only for his skills but for the symbolism of his appointment.Upon arrival in Port au Prince,he found that Haiti was torn by civil war.With no international experience,as a representative of the US,the Minister Resident was one of the most powerful figures in the country.Ebenezer soon realized that much of diplomacy involved intangibles.Soon after his arrival,he wrote to Frederick that his duties were "not so onerous as delicate.Common sense and some little knowledge of law...will carry me through.Ebenezer oversaw cases of citizen commerical claims,diplomatic immunity for consular and commerical agents,and aid to citizens affected by hurricanes,fires,and numerous tropical diseases.The case that posed the greatest challenge to him,was political refugee General Pierre Boisroud Canal.The general was among the band of young leaders who in 1869 successfully ousted the former President Sylvain Salnave from power.By the time of the subsequent regime of Michael Dominguecredibility on the line:  "I am not unaware that the ground taken in my several despatches....may not be in accord with the requirements of public law...but circumstances seemed to crowd in upon me without warning,and in such a way as to leave me almost no choice.Men maddened by passion,inflamed,as  incredibly informed by rum,and elated by consciousness of armed power,were pursuing their  fellow countrymen with red-handed violence.To have closed my door upon the men pursued would have been for me to deny them their last chance of escape from being brutally put to death before my eyes.As a result of the standoff,Ebenezer home remained surrounded by over 1,000 soldiers.The nightly rhythm of loud taunts and screams,beating of metal objects,and general nuisance kept the family huddled inside trying to gain a few hours of restless sleep.He first raised the idea of sending a U.S. warship to Haiti in his May 8 despatch first reporting the incident.He argued at the time that such a show of force would exert "a wholesome influence and strenghtenDomingue regime of crack."It has been determined to apply to the Navy Department  to order a man of war to Port au Prince with a view to your protection from insult,"Hamilton to Ebenezer."That the embarrassing question adverted to may be satisfactorily adjusted before she arrives,is much to be desired.As the ship was preparing to leave,Haitian Ambassador Preston rushed to tell Hamilton that Michel was ready to capitulate.Ebenezer could escort Pierre safely out if the warship would turn back and not enter Haitian waters.Hamilton agreed and instructed Ebenezer that a deal had been set.He was relieved to receive the news.Finally,just after midnight on October 5,1875,Pierre embraced Ebenezer and boarded an American flagged ship,to sail to Jamaica and safety.As a refugee,Pierre had been essentially held captive by the government threat for more than five months.After his departure,Ebenezer telegrammed the Department of State informing then that the crisis had finally passed.Refugees amicable embarked and soldiers withdrawn from around my premises yesterday.He undoubtedly paid a price by having irritated the powers than ran the State Department,he nonetheless stood up to both the Secretary of State and brutal Domingue dictatorship.By demanding humane treatment for an honorable Haitian citizen,Ebenezer served not only the best interests of the United States,but also of the people Haiti.Upon the end of Grant Administration in 1877,Ebenezer submitted his resignation as was customary with a change of hands in government.In spite of any lingering resentment that may have existed in Washington because of his defiant stance,it was impossible for the Department not to recognize his work.Acting secretary of State F.W. Seward wrote to Ebenezer,thanking him for years of service:"I cannot allow this opportunity to pass without expressing to you the appreciation of the Department of the very satisfactory manner in which you have discharged your duties of the mission at Port au Prince during your term of office.This commendation of your service is the more especially merited because at various times your duties of such delicate nature as to have required the exercise of much tact and discretion."When returned  to the United States,he spent an additional ten years as the Consul General for Haiti in New York City.Prior to his death,he returned to live in Philadelphia,where his daughter Charlotte taught at the ICY.Unfortunately,unlike his peers who broke the color barrier in other professional fields Ebenezer was soon forgotten with the passing of timw.

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