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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"John E.Nail"(August 22,1883-March 6,1947)

A successful Harlem realtor,who was born in New London Connecticut.His parents,Elizabeth and John B.,moved to New York where John bought a hotel,restaurant,and billiard parlor after working for a time in a gambling house.His entrepreneurial endeavors made and early impression on John as he was growing up. He graduated from a New York public high school and worked briefly in his father's hotel.In 1904 he began working as a salesman at the Afro-American Realty Company,a firm headed by Philip A.Payton and based in Harlem.The Afro-American Realty Company,anticipating the migration of African Americans of African Americans from central Manhattan to Harlem,encouraged black homeowners and business owners to relocate in the area.John through the Afro-American Realty Company,also helped unite black renters and white landlords and aided a number of the earliest black residents of Harlem in finding new homes in the area.Philip's Afro-American Realty's vision of the move uptown proved premature.As the company began to experience financial difficulties in 1907,John and another company salesman,Henry G. Parker,opened up their own realty business in Harlem,Nail and Parker Associates.They also anticipated the migration of Manhattan blacks farther north and in 1911 John began advising middle class black middle class black New Yorkers to purchase property in Harlem.He also argued that black ownership in Harlem would permanently undermine discriminatory real estate practices commonly directed against both African American homeowners and renters.In 1911,he and his pastor,Rev.Hutchen C.Bishop of St. Philips Episcopal Church,made a series of real estate purchases in Harlem totaling $1,070,000.These deals,helped by Hutchens ability to pass for white,allowed land for a new church and for a new church and for church-owned apartment buildings that would be rented out to tenants.As blacks increasingly moved to into Harlem after 1915,John and his associates purchased more property.Despite the emphasis on home purchases he soon realized that most new Harlemites were hungry for,and could only afford,apartments.By 1925,Nail and Associates owned and managed around fifty apartment complexes and had an annual in come of $1 million.They also helped to develop Harlem by funding the Harlem branch of the YMCA helping small businesses in the area,and building up Harlem's local bank.John became the wealthiest and most influential black realtor in New York City.He also held seats on numerous state and local boards,including the Real Estate Board of New York and the Housing Committee of New York where in each case he was the only black member.His advice was solicited by President Herbert Hoover's Commission on housing.John also contributed to the Harlem community through charities,political influence,and organizations aimed at uplifting the community including the New York branches of the NAACP and the National Urban League.John envisioned Harlem to be the new capital of black middle class,an idea that seemed likely in the 1920s.When the depression hit Harlem,Nail and Parker Associates went bankrupt in 1933.John tried to start successor companies but was never able to see his goals accomplished.By the 1930s,Harlem had become an area of teaming tenements filled by working class African Americans rather than an area of individually owned homes.John died in New York City.

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