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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Robert-Emmitt-Lillard" [March 23,1907-November 7,1991]

Was born in Nashville,to John W.& Virginia Allen Lillard.He received his education at immaculate Mother's Academy and in local public schools before attending Beggins Commercial College.Robert's longtime ambition was to become a lawyer and in 1932,while working as a city garage attendant,he entered Nashville's Kent College of Law,attending law classes five nights a week.He graduated in 1935 and passed the bar examination the following year.

Robert worked for Nashville's Fire Engine Company No.11 and became actively involved in local African-American politics.In 1932 he organized the Fifteenth Ward Colored Voters and Civic Club.He persuaded local politicians to pay the two-dollar poll tax for over one hundred African American men and women in the Fifteenth Ward.

In 1951 after receiving a disability pension from the fire department,Robert entered the predominantly African American Third District,second Ward city council race against a white incumbent,Charles Castleman.Charles had the support of Democratic Mayor Thomas Cummings,and white politicians reportedly offered Robert money and jobs to withdraw from the election.Robert responded that he would not be bought out or frightened out;white politicians would have have to beat him out.He won the May runoff election and joined Zephaniah Alexander Looby as the first African Americans elected to Nasville's city council since 1911.

Robert served the city council for twenty years,never missing a regular meeting.He served as chairman of several council committees,including the Public Election Committee.He helped persuade the city to transform Cameron Junior High School into the second high school within the city limits for local African Americans and successfully gained an ordinance to desegregate the Partheon in Centennial Park.Robert believed that a metropolitan form of government would dilute African American voting strength and opposed the plan to consolidate the city and county governments.Before retiring from the Metro City Council in 1971,Robert became the first African American to serve as vice-mayor pro tem (1967).He made unsuccessful campaigns for vice-mayor and councilman-at-large.

Meanwhile Robert's political activism and law practice continued to thrive.He gained admission to the federal district court (1955),the U.S. Court of Appeals,the Sixth Circuit Court (1957),and the U.S.Supreme Court (1962).Robert founded the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Leagues and campaigned for the election of President John F.Kennedy in 1960.He refused the offer to become Nashville's assistant U.S.attroney;in 1964 & 1967 Robert was appointed to the Tennessee Board of Pardons and Paroles by two Democratic governors.In March 1978,Governor Ray Blanton appointed Robert as judge of the First Circuit Court.Tenth Judicial District.On August 31,1978,Robert retired from the bench.

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