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Saturday, May 14, 2016

"George-Washington-Fields"(April 25,1854-December 19,1944)

He was born into slavery in Hanover County,Virginia.George was one of 11 children Martha Ann Berkley & Washington Fields.Of the children,one died  in infancy,three were sold off, and one was a runaway. George  and the others grew up  on Clover  Plain Plantain in Northeastern Virginia.
In July 1863,during the battle  between Union and Confederate solders on the plantation,George,mama escaped  along with him and five siblings.After a few months travel,they reached the safety of Fortress Monroe near Hampton,Virginia.  Fortress Monroe was one of  the first Union-occupied fortifications which received  escaping slaves.Those who arrived in 1861 & 1862 were labeled "contraband" and their status as free people was disputed.By the time Martha and her children reached the fort,they were granted freedom by the Emancipation Proclamation since Hanover County was still in Confederate hands.

The  family settled  in Union-occupied Hampton.George's daddy arrived the next year followed soon after wards  by four siblings whom slavery had earlier dispersed.

This was a rare occurrence;an entire enslaved family reunited as free people.

George intermittently pursued a public education in Hampton from 1863 arrival through 1875,while working as a culler on an oyster boat,a hack driver,and as a steamboat waiter.Finally in 1875,with his younger sister Catherine's encouragement,

he  enrolled  at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute at the age of 21. Three years later,in 1878,he graduated and headed  north for full-time work.A series of menial jobs  at  famous resorts and as manservant for prominent families led to a position from 1881-1887  as butler  for the Governor of  New York,Alonzo B.Cornell.

While  in Alonzo's employment,he continued  to educate himself through  tutors and
schools, studying everything from French  to medicine.He settled  on law as a career

and  as was  customary at  the time,he read law with a local attorney.

George  intended to attend  Yale University law school  to complete  his legal  training.his,employer Alonzo Cornell,the eldest son of  Cornell  University's founder 

Ezra Cornell,persuaded  him to enroll in the soon to  be opened  Cornell Law School.In  the fall of 1887,George  arrived  in Ithaca,New York  and three years later
graduated  as a member  of  school's  inaugural class and its first  African American graduate.

George  returned  to Hampton  to practice law, joining  his older  brother was an attorney and local State Senator.George took the Virginia bar exam before three judges and was admitted  to the Virginia bar  in April  1891 at the age of 37.George
was also active in politics,representing Elizabeth City and  James City in the Virginia
House of  Delegates from  1889-1890.

On November 28,1892,George married Sarah (Sallie) Haws Baker,also a graduate of 
Hampton University.Together they had two children,a boy who died in infancy,and a girl.

In 1896 he lost his eyesight.He continued,to be active in civic organizations,serving on the board of the Weaver Orphan Home in Hampton and as a Trustee of the Third Baptist Church in the city and Superintendent of its Sunday School.Before his death,
George wrote "Come On,Children": The Autobiography of  George Washington Fields,
Born a Slave in Hanover County,Virginia.The original unpublished manuscript was
recently found in the Hampton University Archives.

George died at the Dixie Hospital after a brief  illness.He was survived by two sisters,Maria & Catherine,his  daughter Inez,C.Fields Scott,and his wife Sallie,who passed away on December  19,1944.

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