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Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Dr-Ulysses-Grant-Mason M.D.November 20,1872.

Dr.Mason in 1910 organized the Prudential Savings Bank,and has been its President since the organization.He was sympathetic with all movements which looked to the elevation and advancement of his peolple and himself  initiated several institutions which sought their good.These organizations indicate the trend of his mind to ameliorate the sufferings of his people,and encourage them in habits of thrift.
Dr.Mason has accumulated considerable property and is among the wealthiest Africam-American of the South.
From 1897-1908,he had been the Vice President of the Alabama Penny Savings Bank.

He was the organizer and founder of the Home and George,C.M. Hall Hospital;Founder of the Surgeon to the North side infirmary,located at 1508 Seventh Avenue,Birmingham Alabama.

He is regarded  as a man of  remarkable business ability and his reputation Well sustained in the creditable manner in which he handles all matters confided  to him.He has filled many honorable
positions,both as a citizen and in a professional way.

He was Delegate at large to the Republican National Conventions,1908-1912.Member of the Clinical Congress of  Surgeons of  North America.

He was a member of the Medical Society of  the United States of  America;member of  John A.Andrew Clinical Society; member of the National Medical Association;member  of the  State Medical,Dental  and  Pharmaceutical Association,and  of  the  Birmingham District  Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Association.

He was the Endowment  Treasurer  of Knight Pythias;Trustee of  Central  Alabama  Institute,and 
Trustee of the 16th.Street Baptist Church, of  Birmingham.He has always taken a prominent part in public affairs.Secretary Baker appointed him on a committee of one hundred  to represent the Government  on War Aims;he was chairman of the War Savings Stamps Committee;Member of  the State National Council of  National Defense.

Dr.Mason has been twice married.His first wife,Miss Alice Nelson,of  Greensboro, Alabama,died on September 19th,1910,leaving him four children,Vivian Ellariz,Ulysses G. Jr..and Alice f.June 17th,1916 he married Mrs.Elsie Downs Baker,of  Columbus Ohio,who borne him one child.Dorthy Down.Dr.Mason found great pleasure and pride in his family and home life.

Regarded  from every standpoint he was a success.

Dr.Mason was the son  of Isaac and Mary Mason,and was born in  Birmingham,Alabama.

He received his preparatory education at Huntsville College (now A & M. College,Normal, Alabama).Having chosen the medical profession he next entered the  Meharry College,(Walden University),at Nashville,Tennessee.Graduating from this College he sought additional preparation in Europe and took a special course in surgery,at the University,of  Edinburgh,Scotland.Returning
to this country,he entered up his medical career in Birmingham,Alabama.He won recognition as a 
physician and soon had an extended practice.

His ability as a physician was recognized by the City authorities,who appointed him assistant city physician,which held for about eight years.

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