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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"The Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation"

The 1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation,then located in Indian territory (Oklahoma) west of the Mississippi River,was the largest   escape of a group of  slaves to occur among the Cherokee.The slave revolt started  on November 15,1842,when a group of  20 African Americans slaves owned by  the Cherokees escaped  and  tried to reach Mexico,where slavery had been  abolished in 1836.Along their way south,they were joined by 15 slaves escaping from the Creek Indian Territory.

The fugitives met with two slave catchers taking a family of eight slave captives back to Choctaw territory.The fugitives killed the hunters and allowed the family to join their party.Although an Indian party had captured and killed  some of the slaves near the beginning of their flight,the Cherokee sought reinforcements.They raised an armed group of more than 100 of their and Choctaw warriors to pursue and capture the fugitives.Five slaves were later executed for killing the two slave catchers.

What has been described as "the most spectacular act of rebellion against slavery" among the Cherokee,the 1842 event inspired  subsequent slave rebellions in the Indian Territory.In the aftermath of this escape,the Cherokee Nation passed stricter slave codes,expelled freedmen from the territory,and  established a ' rescue' (slave-catching)  company to try to prevent additional loses.

Prior to European contact,the Cherokee had a practiced of  enslaving prisoners of  war from other Native American Tribes.In the late 18th
century,some Cherokee set up European-American style plantations on
their Cherokee Nation land,which occupied territory near parts of Georgia and Tennessee.They purchased African-American slaves to work this land.In 1819, the Cherokee Nation passed slave codes that regulated slave trade;forbade intermarriage;enumerated punishment for runaway slaves;and  prohibited slaves from owning private property.An 1820 law regulated trading with slaves,requiring that anyone who traded with a slave without the master's permission was bound to the legal owner for the property,or its value,if the traded property proved to be stolen.Another code declared that a fine of fifteen dollars  was to be levied for masters who allowed slaves to buy or sell

The Cherokee adopted the practice of  using enslaved  African Americans   on their plantations from European Americans. Most Cherokee held   fewer  slaves and labored  with  them at  subsistence agriculture.Slaves worked primarily  as  agricultural  laborers,cultivating both cotton  for their master's profit and food for consumption.Some slaves were skilled laborers,such as seamstresses
and blacksmiths. Like other slaveholders,affluent Cherokee used slaves
as a portable labor force.They developed robust farms,salt mines,and trading post created with slave labor.

The Cherokee brought many of  their  slaves with them to the West in the Native American Removal of  the 1820s and 1830s,when the federal
government forcibly removed them from the Southeastern states.
Joseph Van was described as taking 200 slaves with him.African American slaves in each of the tribes performed much of the physical
labor involved in the removal.For example,they loaded wagons,cleared
the roads,and led the teams of livestock along the way.

By 1835,the time of removal,the Cherokee owned and estimated total of
1500 slaves of African ancestry (the most African American slaves of any of the Five Civilized Tribes).Within five years of removal,300 mixed-raced Cherokee families,most descendants of European traders and Cherokee women for  generations,made up an elite class in Indian Territory.Most owned 25-50 slaves each.Some of their plantations had 600 to 1,000 acres; cultivating wheat,cotton,corn,hemp, and tobacco.
Most of the also had large cattle and horse herds.

By 1860,the Cherokee held an estimated 4,600 slaves,and depended on
them as farm laborers and domestic servants.At the time of the Civil War,a total  of more than 8,00 slaves were held in all of the Indian Territory,where they comprised 14 percent of the population.

Events of  the revolt-

The mass escape of  20 enslaved African Americans from the Cherokee
territory began on November 15,1842,and has been called  "the most spectacular act of  rebellion against slavery" among the Cherokee.Most
of  the 20 slaves were from the plantations of  "Rich Joe" Vann and his daddy James; they  gathered and raided local stores for weapons,ammunition,horses,and mules.Escaping from Webbers Falls without casualties,the slaves headed south for Mexico,where slavery had been prohibited since 1836.Along the way they picked up another
15 slaves escaping from Creek territory.Some Cherokee and Creek pursued the fugitives,the slaves partially held them off.In one altercation,14 slaves were either killed or captured,the remaining 21 continued south.The Cherokee and  Creek pursuers returned to their nations for reinforcements.

Along the way,the fugitives encountered two slave catchers,James Edwards,a  white man,and  Billy Wilson,a Lenape (Delaware Native American),who were returning to Choctaw territory with an escaped slave family of  three adults and five children.The family had been headed west into plain Indian territory.The fugitive party killed  the bounty hunters to free family.Together they continued South,slowed somewhat by traveling with five children.

On November 17,the Cherokee National Council in Tahlequah passed a resolution authorizing Cherokee Militia Captain John Drew to raise a company of  100  citizens to "pursue,arrest,and deliver the African slaves to Fort Gibson." (The resolution also relieved the government of the Cherokee Nation of any liability if the slaves resisted arrest and had to be killed.) The commander at Fort Gibson loaned Drew 25 pounds of
gunpowder for the militia.

The large force caught up with the slaves seven miles north of the Red River on November 28.The tired    fugitives,   weak from hunger,offered   no resistance.They were forced to return to their owners in the Choctaw,Creek and Cherokee reservations.The Cherokee
later executer five slaves for the murders of Edwards and Wilson.Vann
putt most of his surviving slaves to work on his  steamboats,shoveling  coal.

The slave revolt inspired future slave rebellions in the Native American
territory.By 1851,a total of nearly 300 African Americans had tried to escape from Native American territory.Most headed for Mexico or the area of the future Kansas Territory,where residents prohibited slave

Economic Impact-

Native American slaveholders bought and sold slaves,often doing business with white slaveholders in the neighboring states of Texas 
Arkansas.The owners in both areas always considered enslave African Americans to be property.

Aftert   the revolt,the Cherokee often hired non-slave   holding Native Americans  to catch runaway slaves.In the past, some of these people
had struggled to eat,while slave-owing families flourished in a market economic driven by slave labor.Some among these poor Cherokee became weathly by providing services to the 'rescue' company in catching fugitives slaves.When slave catching expeditions were mounted, suck trackers were paid.They were also authorized to buy
ammunition and supplies for the hunt,at the expense of the nation (provided that the expedition was not "unnecessarily"protracted and did not incur needless expenses").


The slave revolt had threatened the security of the labor force and owners' profits.The Nation passed a stricter slave code and required
expulsion of free African American from the territory,as they were
considered to foster discontent among slave.After the Civil War,planters
and the upper class of the Cherokee Nation shifted from plantation agriculture to developing manufacture of  small-scale products,which were sold interally,instead of being exported.

As a   mass escape that resulted in casualties and death of both slaves and other,the 1842 slave revolt was widely reported by newspapers.
Even 50 years later,when the Fort Smith Elevator of Arkansas published an anniversary article about the escape,the account had a kind of mythic power.It recounted a morning when Cherokee slaveholders could not hold find their slaves and said that "hundreds" had disappeared overnight,rather than 20 of fact.  

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