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Thursday, October 24, 2019

"Grace-Roberts" (1844?-November 1 1899)

Physician,was born in Wales in the United Kingdom.While still a young child she moved with her parents to Holland Patent,New York.As a child 
Grace became very ill with an unspecified malady that,according to 
contemporary accounts,seemed "likely to promise for her only life of 
invalidism." Grace's parents arranged for her to be cared for in Utica,New York,by the white physician and homoeopathist Dr.Caroline 
Brown Winslow.

Dr.Brown a native of Utica,had earned MD degrees at the Ecletic Medical College in Cincinatti.Ohio,in 1853 and at the Western College of Homoeopathy in Cleveland, Ohio,in 1855 or 1856.Then unmarried,Dr.Brown practiced in Utica between 1856 and 1864,

and it was during this period that she began to care for Grace.When Caroline moved to Washington,D.C.,in 1864 to assist in the care of wounded Union soldiers,Grace moved with her.Caroline arranged 
for Grace to receive continued medical care and extensive schooling,
including training in the sciences and classical languages.As her health 
improved,Grace served as an apprentice in Caroline's medical practice.
Caroline married Austin C.Winslow in Washington, D.C., in 1866, she maintained her professional activities and medical practice.Deeply 
influenced by Austin's medical knowledge,her advocacy of homepathy,
and her progressive political views on the issue of women's rights,Grace
decided to enter the practice of medicine.

In 1876 Grace was admitted to the medical school at Howard University in Washington, D.C. While at Howard, Grace became a board member 
of the Moral Education Society, a student organization devoted to the 
study of social reforms,including the expansion of women's civil and political rights.She graduated from Howard University with an MD degree in 1877.At the age of thirty-four,and already holding a recognized allopathic medical degree,Grace decided to continue her 
medical studies in the allied field of medicine.On January 8 1878 she 
enrolled in the homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. It is possible that Caroline facilitated this decision,because while living in Ann Arbor,Grace roomed with a white family named Winslow.In the spring of 1878 Grace was awarded her 
second MD degree,this one from the University of Michigan.She was 
the first African American woman to earn a medical degree from the University,an acolade that is often mistakenly to Sophia Bethena Jones,
who graduated from the University's medical school in 1885.

Grace returned to Washington, D.C.,and opened a homeopathic medical practice in October 1878.She branched out from private practice to 
become a staff physician at the newly opened National Homeopathic Hospital,the nation's leading homeopathic facility.Grace was among the initial staff of this prestigious facility.When the homeopathic Free Dispensary opened in Washington, D.C.,in 1882,she joined the medical 
staff there as well.The dispensary was the first facility in the capital where women physicians practiced alongside their male colleagues on 
an equal basis.Its board of directors included several advocates of 
women's rights,and it gave Grace managerial responsibility for a special fund that was used to purchase food for indigent patients being treated at the dispensary.

During her professional career Grace was active in numerous local societies organized to promote the political advancement of women.
She was a member of Saint Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., bouts of poor health prevented her full involvement in the civic,social, and political affairs of the capital's large affluent African American community.Grace died at her home.

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